Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Today, we were split into groups of continents in which the country we were assigned is located. Since I have DR Congo, I sat in the group with others who's assigned-country is located in Africa. Within the groups, we were told to research our country's customs, write down 6 of those customs then compare and contrast those customs with the people in our groups. I realized that Congo has some very interesting customs but the one that stood out the most was that the people of Congo throw teeth, that have fallen out the mouth of a child, on top of their roofs. It is said that their reason for doing this is so that the teeth could grow back properly. After completing this assignment, we were given a prompt. The prompt asked should you have to adhere to the customs of countries in which you visit. I for one, feel that you shouldn't have to abide by customs that you aren't accustomed to but it will be nice and respectful if you were to take the initiative to research the customs before you visit. Then, when you arrive, you will be knowledgeable about what to expect and when to expect it. Overall, today was great.

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