Thursday, March 5, 2020


Today, the class was split into groups of four for an activity. However, the groups were not made of the typical people that we sat by. One of the four students in each group was swapped with another from a different group. After the swapping, we were instructed to make four boxes on our sheet of poster paper(I think that is what it is called, like a huge sheet of construction paper) and to write K-W-L in each box. The "K" stood for "Know", the "W" stood for "What you want to know", and the "L" stood for "What you learned." Following this step, we were then given topics of current events to complete our boxes. The topic that my group was assigned was "Nathaniel Woods" while the other groups were given the topics "2020 Democratic Election", "Tom Brady's Decision", and "Coronavirus." I was disappointed that my group wasn't assigned anything that we knew about so we decided to guess and sadly, everything we guessed was wrong. Nathaniel Woods is an African American male who was said to be sentenced to death by injection today even though he is innocent. I feel that this is extremely unfair and that this is the prime example of the legal system abusing power or simply being ignorant with the use of power. Instead of fair trials and real evidence, they feel the need to punish someone who is not responsible for a crime instead of the person who committed the crime. I had no idea who this man was and now that I do, I am ashamed for my lack of knowledge. Today was a true day of learning.

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