Wednesday, September 11, 2019


In class, we were asked a series of questions all of which evolved around America. One of the questions was “What does America symbolize?” My written response was that it symbolizes freedom, liberty, opportunity, and unity. As we raised our hand to respond, we were told to explain the answer and how America symbolizes it. The answer I chose to give was opportunity. People from all around the world come to America in search of work and a better life. As we continued, I discovered a lot about my classmates’ way of thought. I also learned who their heroes were and why. I was impressed. Although some were typical, there were a few that really intrigued me and made me not only nod my head in agreement but wonder why I didn't think of them as my heroes. All of the questions we were asked were little steps used to get to our main topic, 9/11. We all know the tragic event that occurred on that day and how it impacted America as a whole. After it happened, we became united and strived to make America better again.

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