Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Half of the Truth!😱

Today, we presented our vocabulary posters. I enjoyed seeing everybody’s posters even though they  all used the same 4 words. The pictures that described their words were different and every bit of entertaining including the one where one student acted out the words themselves instead of having pictures on their poster. After the last presentation, we then talked about the 8th rhetorical device, Simile. Of course, I knew about similes but what I didn’t know is that similes could be created using the words “so” and ”than.” I was always taught that they can only be created with and identified using ”like” or “as.” I was astonished by how my knowledge was only half of the whole truth behind similes. I honestly blame my middle school teachers and my elementary teachers for withholding such information. Other than that, the class was great and I learned something new.

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