Monday, October 21, 2019

Health Concerns

Today’s lesson was great. The teacher instructed the class to split into groups. Each group was assigned a question concerning health. We were given 2 minutes and 45 seconds to answer our question with as many things as we can and then move to the next table to answer another group’s question. The questions got more difficult as we continued because the previous groups wrote most of the things that we thought of. Nonetheless, we were still able to fill in the box for a group. Window paper was finally filled we then discussed what each group had written. After this assignment, we didn’t discuss whether it is fair or unfair for someone to not be able to work under a certain vocation if they smoke or are overweight. A realized that each person has different views and justifications for why they chose their side. I enjoyed the lesson and hope that we will do something similar to it tomorrow.

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