Thursday, November 7, 2019

Extremely Tired

Today, we went over the structure of a rhetorical analysis. The teacher used many real-world problems in order to help us comprehend but for some reason, I couldn't stay attentive. I kept dozing off even though I tried my hardest to stay up. I could really relate to the real-world problems but I did not quite agree with the teacher on all scenarios. He talked about a lady who was a special guest at the Veterans Program. I did not go to the program because my class wasn’t invited but I can infer what the guest was saying after he told us that she was speaking about social media. He told us that she was telling the students to watch what they post on social media. In my opinion, everybody knows that the students are fully aware of what they post because they continuously post things that are similar in content. They know what they post is not appropriate but they do not care. Their behavior is influenced and encouraged by others like them. Of course, someone close to them has probably chastised them for their posts but still, they continue to do as they please so I highly doubt they'll change their ways because of a speech from a guest. My teacher feels differently which is fine. Overall, today was cool.

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