Monday, November 4, 2019

Known Information

Today, we were first taught an ACT lesson. I thought for sure that I would get every question right but I didn't. I kind of understand why my answer was wrong. The ACT hasn't been my favorite since middle school because of how much more complicated its questions are. This is one of the MANY reasons why I prefer the SAT over the ACT even though I am willing to take both. Next, we went over how to create a rhetorical analysis. I realized that everything that I was being taught was things that I had prior knowledge of; I just didn't know how they were used in a literary work. I was fully attentive until suddenly, I felt myself start to drift off to sleep. I tried my best to stay woke but eventually, took a quick nap knowing that I'd better wake up or I would be sent outside. Besides that, I acquired just how powerful rhetorical devices are. If used correctly, they can be used to persuade the world. I hope that soon I will be able to construct a good rhetorical analysis.

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