Monday, January 27, 2020


Today went exceptionally well. For some frightening reason, I assumed that we were going to be given a test of some kind because of the fact the teacher surprised us with one last week. But, that was not the case. In fact, we were given an excellent prompt to answer and interpret. The prompt was regarding the relationship between ownership and a sense of self. The teacher first began the lesson by telling the class to define ownership in their own words and then to write about something that we own. Following the completion of this task, he played an animation of a poem written by Kobe Bryant long before his death. However, considering that his departure from life was literally yesterday, it was kind of difficult hearing his voice and the words that he spoke. His poem was about his passion for basketball and how it emerged at such a young age, gave him that push to make his dream reality and remained a part of him even after he retired. I feel that as a young teen of this generation, we often forget to dream because we are too busy living in reality. We occupied with the thought of skipping through life and become wealthy and superior that we forget to love things that could result in our success but also happiness. I, myself am constantly stressing about what tomorrow may bring for me rather than living in today like there is no tomorrow. I've forgotten that life is short and that I am only on the brink of undergoing real life. Next, came another video about a girl finding the truth/the truth that found her. In the video, all of the students wore masks that corresponded with how they were perceived. The main character eventually decided to take off her mask and be her true self. That video within itself was powerful to me and probably to me only but days like these are the reason why I enjoy my AP Lang class. The assignments that encourage perpetual thinking always make my day.

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