Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My Purpose?

Today's blog topic was given to the class. The teacher told us to tell what our purpose is or what we think it might be. For starters, I never thought that I could have a purpose. My life is so regular and well, downhearted, that it's difficult to think that I have a purpose in life. I would often question what my purpose could be but I never came up with an answer. Yet, If I was to guess right now of what my purpose is then I'd say to guide others so that they don't have to experience certain things in life. I could give advice concerning what the path, that they are considering, might lead to. They then can choose whether or not they want to take that path. I think the toughest part about my assumed purpose is accepting that others may not always listen or accept my advice even if it is correct. Some may even disagree with my advice and possibly feel the need to no longer be my friend. As one can infer, I am speaking from experience. I have helped or at least tried to help many people. Some were welcoming and appreciative of what I had to say, but others not so much. In fact, that is the reason why I don't have friends. Another purpose of mine could be painting because people often say that I should pursue a career with it. Sadly, my heart is not within painting even though I have an intense love for art. In class today I realized that you can love doing something but you don't necessarily have to pursue it because you are always going to adore many things in life. You can love singing but also love technology just as much so you'd become an engineer instead of a famous singer. That does not surely mean that you have lost that love for singing but that you'd rather it be a hobby than a career. Overall, the class was very inspirational.

1 comment:

  1. I understand where you coming from, guiding others is a very good purpose people would appreciate the concern even if they choose not to pursue advice. Truly deep down its great to know that you at least is trying to help others from the love of your heart.
