Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Today, class was favorable. It began with the teacher's request for us to reflect upon 2019 and then to state what our goals were for 2020. My goals are to be less strict on myself and to stop trying to be perfect. I feel that I can still attain greater things without driving myself far past the limit. I also hope to be able to finally enjoy the rest of my teenage years before the time comes where I have the responsibilities of an adult. I don't get out of the house often, mainly because I don't have companions but I hope to do so. After the conclusion of the first assignment, we were then presented with a video. The video was inspiring, motivational and relatable. It was a video of a TED talk speaker. The speaker spoke about the hardships that he faced in his early life and how he overcame them without being smart or talented. He stated that you don't need to be smart or talent to be successful, you just need to put in the effort. I agreed 100% with him but I felt that he should have made it clear that you can be those things and still be successful; that you still should want to collect information and be knowledgeable rather than just thinking that if you put in the effort, knowledge is nothing. I feel that someone may get the wrong message if they don't understand what the speaker is conveying. His speech is for those who try their best to be smart and who gain information but no matter what, nothing is coming from it. They began to feel like a failure even though they are doing everything they can. That is when effort becomes significant. Overall, I really enjoyed class and I feel so inspired.

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