Monday, November 18, 2019

Will I Be Ready?

Today, the class was okay. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst. It started off great, but then it took a slide when my teacher felt that it was the right time to remind us of something that I am dreading...  the AP Exam. Each day I am constantly questioning whether or not I am going to be prepared for the exam. I already struggle with rhetorical analysis and to top the cake, we have a test on rhetorical strategies this Wednesday. I feel that it is unfair to me and others who have not received even a sneak peek of this material. Before taking this class, I had no real experience at composing essays. I simply answered the prompt in which I was given to the best of my ability. My previous English teacher lacked the true qualities of being a teacher. Instead of teaching the curriculum as she should have, she wasted time punishing us for talking and assigning books with no lesson attached. We easied throughout the course getting by with cheating, memorization, and hope. I admit that I was not qualified for what AP had in store. I could ask for help however because of where I live and transportation reasons, I am not able to stay after school for tutoring. I'm hoping that soon I will qualify to take the exam and perform well.

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