Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Today was not the best but not the worst either. Our teacher began class with the words "certainty" and "doubt" for us to define. He then tied it together with the word "Faith" and bible scriptures to help introduce us to a writing prompt. The prompt asked the writer to choose a position about the relationship between certainty and doubt. Most of the class said that certainty and doubt need each other but since I am a perpetual thinker plus the experiences that I have had, I feel that the relationship between the two is complicated or dispensable. Certainty doesn't need doubt to become evident and vice versa. I will use myself as an example. There have been times in which I have been certain that something was going to happen without a doubt in the world. I prayed of course and then I did what I needed to do and everything went better as expected but there have also been times where doubt remained throughout the entire occurrence and even after.

This painting got an example, required a lot of dedication that I doubted was within me. The entire 4 months of working on this painting, I was always doubting myself and needed others to reassure me of my abilities. Still to this day, I doubt that this is acceptable as an artist even if I am not a professional one. There was not an ounce of certainty while doing this and this is why to me, certainty and doubt are like peanut butter and jelly. Some people are just fine with eating a peanut butter sandwich with no jelly. Some people are just fine with eating a jelly sandwich (weird I know but you'll be surprised) and there are some who eat sandwiches with both. Overall, the class was good.

1 comment:

  1. Your Art is Amazing and I understand what you coming from. Doubt is really hard to get over because its a natural feeling, but I know you can overcome it. I believe in you as corny as it sounds.
