Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Mind of a Poet

Today, I learned how hard it is to create a poem. To me, not only is it about constructing a piece of literature, it’s about relaying a message. I decided to make my poem about the mind. How dangerous, complex, and beautiful it is. The mind is a powerful thing. It was most difficult because the mind is a little too complex and implicates many thoughts that lead to a series of events. How can one possibly fully describe the capabilities and aspects of the mind? I kept getting writer's block and then thought of my mind and what goes on inside of it. By doing this, it became easier to construct the poem. A lot of things happen inside of my head so trying to summarize it all is a challenge but it can be done to an extent. Overall, today was enlightening.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


My day in class was short. While we were reading an essay, I ,along with many others, was called out of class to attend an honors program.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Today, the class presented their vocabulary quiz videos. I really enjoyed them all even though yet again, it was all repetitive. Our teacher noticed it too and decided that he would assign us words for the next quiz so that there could be a variation of the words being used. Overall, today was great.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Missing Teacher

Today, our teacher was absent so we had to go to the classroom next door. I was extremely mad because the teacher who’s class we were in decided to give us a 55 question test. I didn’t feel good and couldn’t think straight so today was the worst.

Friday, October 25, 2019


Today, we took a test on rhetorical devices. I honestly feel like I failed because I barely know how to use them but I tried my best. Because of the weather, we were let out of school early so we didn't do much today. Overall, it was a gloomy day.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Torn Between Emotions

Today, we went on a field trip to “The Playhouse in the Park” where we watched Frankenstein. I jumped a couple of times from the loud sounds and abrupt movements but nonetheless, I really enjoyed it. In a way, I pulled out a deeper meaning. The monster was overcome with pain, misery, and loneliness to the point where nothing else mattered, not even its own life. To me, it was a powerful message and made me realize just how lonely I am. Although it has not driven me mad, it still hurts to some extent. I was overcome with sadness after we left for I have no friends and could relate to the monster. My mood was changed when I saw my teacher put on a student’s wig. Overall, today was great. I was full, sleepy, and somewhat happy with how it ended.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Party 🎉

Today, I wasn’t in class entirely because I attended the 90’s party. I had fun.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Half of the Truth!😱

Today, we presented our vocabulary posters. I enjoyed seeing everybody’s posters even though they  all used the same 4 words. The pictures that described their words were different and every bit of entertaining including the one where one student acted out the words themselves instead of having pictures on their poster. After the last presentation, we then talked about the 8th rhetorical device, Simile. Of course, I knew about similes but what I didn’t know is that similes could be created using the words “so” and ”than.” I was always taught that they can only be created with and identified using ”like” or “as.” I was astonished by how my knowledge was only half of the whole truth behind similes. I honestly blame my middle school teachers and my elementary teachers for withholding such information. Other than that, the class was great and I learned something new.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Health Concerns

Today’s lesson was great. The teacher instructed the class to split into groups. Each group was assigned a question concerning health. We were given 2 minutes and 45 seconds to answer our question with as many things as we can and then move to the next table to answer another group’s question. The questions got more difficult as we continued because the previous groups wrote most of the things that we thought of. Nonetheless, we were still able to fill in the box for a group. Window paper was finally filled we then discussed what each group had written. After this assignment, we didn’t discuss whether it is fair or unfair for someone to not be able to work under a certain vocation if they smoke or are overweight. A realized that each person has different views and justifications for why they chose their side. I enjoyed the lesson and hope that we will do something similar to it tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

More Rhetoric Devices

Today we learned about three more rhetorical devices, Litotes, Antithesis, and Hypophora. Litotes is when you use a word opposite to the condition to emphasize a point. For example, "It's not the best weather today"during a hurricane would be an example of litotes, implying that the weather is horrible. To me, I remember it as sugar coating meaning to talk about or describe (something) in a way that makes it seem more pleasant or acceptable than it is. Instead of being direct and saying the weather is horrible, one would say its not the best which is why I say sugar coating. Antithesis makes use of contrast in language to bring out a contrast in ideas. To me, this one is the most difficult to think of but the simplest to identify. And last but not least, is hypophora. Hypophera is when one asks a question, then proceeds to answer it. For instance, when a public speaker is speaking they may ask “What could you do to better the community? You could start a neighborhood watch.” The speaker wasn’t speaking directly to one person and asking them to answer, instead, he told the person making it seem as if they were thinking it themselves. I find this device to be the easiest because one can instantly point out when the author may be using it in their essay. Again, I learned something new. I’ve seen them all before just not the names of them. In conclusion class went by pretty quickly but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

New Knowledge

Today we discussed rhetorical devices. The two we discussed were hyperbole and understatement. I learned that there are many ways to use both devices. For example, Hyperboles can be used to make a point strongly, to snap the reader to attention, or to demonstrate the difference between two things. We completed an activity on how hyperboles are written and what way in which they were being used. I recognized that even though we use them every day, they are difficult to think of when you’re  actually trying. I didn’t quite understand how to write an understatement, however, I understood the concept of what understatement are. I never knew that what I learned today. It kinda opened my eyes to the realization that there is a lot that I don't know but soon hope to find out. Overall, class was great.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Simple Mistakes

Today, we went over the EQT and was taught how to decide which answer choices are completely incorrect, somewhat correct, and correct. The teacher broke it down and showed us how we should think while taking a multiple-choice test. I felt completely idiotic and ashamed that I missed such easy questions. Overall, I learned a valuable new skill.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Big Day

Today we took the EQT, and surprisingly...I passed. I felt that it was easy but i was not mentally prepared for it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Today, we typed our essay for our open-ended question of the EQT. I glad I was able to finish and exceed the word limit as I planned to do. My prompt was so simple that is was difficult to compose 5 paragraphs. Nonetheless, I completed the essay.

Monday, October 7, 2019


Today, the class began with our teacher instructing us on how our essays for tomorrow's EQT should and shouldn't be done. He showed us a few examples of essays written by his previous students and it helped me envision how I would type mine. He then moved on to today's lesson which involved annotating poems or discovering the hidden meaning. I enjoy finding a deeper meaning to things since I am what you may consider, a deep thinker. I love seeing far beyond what is before me and revealing the unknown message in which many people may overlook. I guess you can say that I really participate in lessons that involve such tasks. Our homework is to create a poem based on an image in my life. It is a pretty easy assignment. Overall, the class was great.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Did She Do It?

Today, we investigated a crime scene involving someone’s husband. It was obvious that the wife killed him but our teacher decided to act as if we were lawyers. Of course, in court, there's the lawyer who's defending and the lawyer who’s supposed to prove one is guilty of the crime committed. My side of the room was supposed to prove that the wife didn't kill her husband but that it was an accident. It was not the easiest since the evidence couldn't possibly be the result of an accident but at the moment it was our task. To find out there is no answer key so the answer could be anything. I really enjoyed the assignment and hope there would be many more.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Unexpected Leave

Today, I received an unexpected early dismissal in 3rd block so I wasn’t able to attend class and present the assigned chapter.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Chapter 15

Today, the group assigned Chapter 15, taught the class the chapter. I think that they did well even though I kept getting confused about what it is they were asking. Their questions really made the class think and we thoroughly discussed each question.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Wrong Position

Today was a dysfunctional and shocking day. Class started with many of us walking in late because we were told different instructions. Some of us were told to go straight to homeroom and some of us were told to go straight to the 4th block and that we will be dismissed from the 4th block to homeroom. While entering the classroom, the teacher was talking about the class not being organized and pretty much being lazy. To me, it could be laziness but mostly I think it's the fact that we all have other classes and lives outside of school. School isn't our only priority. He then surprised us by saying we will be split up into teams and competing for points in order to receive a pass that will exempt us from minor assignments. I was chosen as a leader and quite frankly, I hate competing. I hate the concept where there can only be a few winners while everyone else is losers. This means that my attitude towards this competition will be indifferent. I won't care but I'll still put in the effort.